Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyle Accident Attorneys in Redding

Get an Aggressive Team of Attorneys on Your Side for your motorcycle accident

It’s the unfortunate reality that, due to their vulnerability, motorcyclists are at a much higher risk for severe injury and/or death when involved in a collision. Oftentimes, those accidents could have been prevented if larger vehicles were more aware of sharing the road with motorcycle riders. If you or a loved one is the victim of a motorcycle accident because of someone else’s recklessness or inattention while driving, the legal team at the Law Office of Mark H. Cibula will represent you in pursuing a claim to receive restitution for medical bills, property damages, pain and suffering, lost wages and any other additional expenses that may be related.

More often than not, motorcycle accidents are caused by drivers in cars who overlook riders traveling in the same vicinity. Failure to give motorcyclists an appropriate amount of space, just as you would for other vehicles, creates dangerous conditions that can result in serious life-changing injuries or the loss of life.

“Motorcyclists who have done all they can to ride safely shouldn’t be held responsible for another driver’s negligence.”

The motorcycle accident attorneys at the Cibula law firm understand the delicate nature of assisting victims and their families in seeking a fair settlement quickly and without causing further distress. Our experience and vast resources have allowed us to help numerous clients get the financial funds needed to cope with their new circumstances. Motorcyclists who have done all they can to ride safely shouldn’t be held responsible for another driver’s negligence.

There can be unique challenges to overcome in motorcycle accident cases, but you don’t have to face them alone. Contact the Law Office of Mark H. Cibula today to schedule a free consultation to discuss the details surrounding your claim. Mark has a track record of securing high settlements.

Cibula & Balma
Mark Cibula
Diane Balma
Diane Balma

Mark Cibula and Diane Balma have joined forces to form Cibula & Balma, an association of local, independent trial lawyers that handles an array of legal claims.  Together, they offer personalized service and a strong commitment to securing the compensation their clients deserve.

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