Category: DUI/DWI

FingerPrint DUI Arrest

The Necessity Of A DUI Attorney In Red Bluff, CA

DUI or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense. In California, there are two types. You can be arrested for DUI if your blood-alcohol level is .08% or more. This is known as per se DUI. You can also be arrested for the offense if

Criminal Law Red Bluff, CA

4 Things a DUI/DWI Attorney/Lawyer Can Do For You In Redding, CA

If you are arrested for DUI/DWI, take your situation very seriously. Whether it is your first offense or a repeat offense, you will be facing fines, suspension of your driver’s license, and possibly a jail or prison sentence. Because of this, make every effort to hire an experienced and knowledgeable

The Advantage of Having a Criminal Defense Attorney Specializing in DUI Cases

Stats: Why We Need a DUI Lawyer & DWI Attorney in Redding, CA

Efforts to reduce the instances of drunk driving and the associated fatal collisions have been underway since before London cab driver George Smith entered the history books as the first person convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol in 1897. The need for DUI laws was quickly realized

DUI lawyer waits outside courtroom

Five Mistakes that Will Require a Redding CA DUI Lawyer

These days, law enforcement officers are quick to pull over any vehicle in which the driver appears impaired and unable to safely operate the vehicle. Those suspected of driving under the influence (DUI) could face a list of penalties, including higher car insurance rates, being required to demonstrate financial responsibility,

stopped woman considers dui lawyer

Do You Think You Need a Red Bluff, California, DUI Lawyer?

There are many mistakes that can lead drivers to be arrested for driving under the influence, when in fact, it is not actually the case. Sure, law enforcement officers are trained and experienced in locating and arresting DUI offenders. However, personal bias, stress, and other factors often lead to errors.

angry woman considers DUI lawyer during arrest

5 First-Offense Justifications for Contacting a DUI Lawyer

Most first-offense arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol are fairly standard. From field sobriety tests to procedural conduct, the evidence against suspects is usually solid and difficult to fight in court. However, there are several details that may be arguable and arrestees should highly consider hiring an attorney

elderly man calls dui attorney after collision

The Effectiveness of Law From an Experienced DUI Attorney

Just as soon as vehicles began hitting the road, a man was arrested for causing a collision while under the influence of alcohol. While this action was not yet a crime itself, the event sparked the first DUI laws. Beginning with the State of New York in 1910, states were

dui lawyer explains license reinstatement to client

License Reinstatement Advice From An Experienced DUI Lawyer

Upon being arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) a driver will immediately have his or her license taken by law enforcement officers at the scene. This is the beginning of a mandatory 30-day suspension of the arresteeā€™s driving privileges. Regardless of the outcome in court, an individual arrested for

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